Monday, May 08, 2006

From a tree

From a tree, originally uploaded by Arnfinn Hushovd.

How we BBQ in Norway!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

What made me miss Australia

What made me miss Australia, originally uploaded by hyperlegs.

...And the other day they had a program about the music in Melbourne. I got hooked...


Does anyone else miss certain things about places they are no longer?

Pictures please!

Grafitti I found in Athens, Greece

It's the surprises that make me miss Europe.

Guess we all want what we don't have - or rather want to be where we aren't


Wednesday, May 03, 2006


yellow_wall, originally uploaded by hyperlegs.

It's the small things that makes me miss sydney :) Lauren, I made you admin. Play!


Impressed that someone actually wrote here :)